Nuclear Facility Performance and Engineering Review
AAC is experienced in numerous areas of nuclear facilities engineering support. We have demonstrated experience through participation on Nuclear Independent Safety Boards and Plant Operations Review Committees in the evaluation of the nuclear safety implications of operations, engineering modifications, maintenance and licensing actions, and in performance of safety reviews and audits. AAC has extensive experience in. . .

Performance based inspections/audits for the NRC, DOE, and commercial nuclear utilities. Reviews of plant design, maintenance, testing, operations, and human performance to ANSI, ANS, ASME, IEEE, INPO, NRC, and DOE codes, standards, orders, and regulations.
Nuclear safety inspections, procedural and regulatory compliance audits, and incident investigations.
Systematic assessments and audits of safety-related systems, technical specification, safety programs and practices, and other operational activities.
Preparation and review of operations, maintenance, modification, test, and administrative procedures.
Preparation and/or review of 10CFR50.59 evaluations for system modifications and tests.
Design Basis Programs - Development and implementation of design basis and design basis reconstitution programs. Preparation and review of design basis documents including analyses/calculations in support of design margin evaluations.
Power Uprate Programs - Power uprate impact studies. Uprated power system safety analyses and reviews.