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Projects List

The following are brief descriptions of on-going and/or completed projects by AAC and its staff:

Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant (MNGP) Radiological Consequence Analyses for DW Shielding Strategies

MNGP direct dose (MicroShield) and skyshine dose (MicroSkyshine) analyses for pre-refueling drywell shielding strategies.
Client: Xcel Energy


INER (Taiwan) AST Implementation Technical Support

AST implementation technical support for Taiwan’s BWR’s and PWR’s.
Client: Institute of Nuclear Energy (INER), Taiwan


APR 1400 Containment Analysis Consultations

APR 1400 Containment Analysis GOTHIC model review and update support; Containment Analysis Design Certification Report review and update/preparation support.
Client: KEPCO Engineering and Construction Co., Inc.


APR 1400 Main Steam Valve House (MSVH) GOTHIC HELB Model

APR 1400 MSVH GOTHIC model for MSLB EQ evaluations.
Client: KEPCO Engineering and Construction Co., Inc.


Containment Analysis Consultations – GOTHIC

Provide GOTHIC containment analysis consultations for GEN III reactor containment design.
Client: URS Corp.


Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant (MNGP) AST Analyses Update for New Fuel

ORIGEN-ARP source term development for new plant fuel. MNGP AST RADTRAD analyses update to address new source term.
Client: Xcel Energy


Susquehanna Steam Electric Station (SSES) Fukushima FLEX Mitigation Cooling Water Supply Model

Pipe-Flo modelling to support SSES Fukushima FLEX mitigation cooling water supply strategies.
Client: PPL


Duane Arnold Energy Center (DAEC) AST Analyses Update

DAEC AST analyses update to address RADTRAD software corrections.
Client: Florida Power & Light


Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant (MNGP) AST Analyses Update

MNGP AST analyses update to address RADTRAD software corrections.
Client: Xcel Energy


Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant (MNGP) AST CRDA Analysis Update

MNGP CRDA accident AST analysis update for plant configuration design input changes.
Client: Xcel Energy


HELB Inside Containment Design and Analysis Consultation

Consultation on US HELB inside containment design and analysis practices including Leak Before Break (LBB).
Client: KEPCO Engineering and Construction Co., Inc.


Source Term and Radiological Consequence Analysis Consultations – SMR

Development of normal operations (GALE-PWR) and post-accident source terms (ORIGEN) for a SMR. AST radiological consequence analyses for a SMR.
Client: Fluor


Susquehanna Steam Electric Station (SSES) Appendix R MSO Resolution Engineering Support

Ultimate Heat Sink (UHS) peak temperature analyses and Emergency Service Water System (ESSW) hydraulic network and heat exchanger performance analyses in support of postulated App. R Multiple Spurious Operations (MSO) events.

Client: PPL Susquehanna, LLC


INER (Taiwan) Radiological Consequence Analysis Training & Mentoring

Training and mentoring on plant radiological consequence analyses including AST/TID source terms, source term development (ORIGEN), dispersion factors (PAVAN, ARCON96) and dose consequence analysis (RADTRAD). 

Client: Institute of Nuclear Energy (INER), Taiwan 


Grand Gulf Nuclear Power Station (GGNS) AB Loss of HVAC Analysis

GOTHIC analysis of the GGNS Auxiliary Building transient temperature response to loss of HVAC conditions in support of PRA assessments.

Client: Entergy Operations, Inc.


Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station (PNPS) Containment Analysis

GOTHIC analysis of the PNPS Drywell for transient temperature following a loss of HVAC in support of the plant simulator design.

Client: Entergy Operations, Inc.


Fort Calhoun Station (FCS) EPU Radiological Engineering Support

FCS radiological engineering support including normal and post accident dose evaluations at EPU conditions and EQ dose scalars and dose update.

Client: Omaha Public Power District


Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant (MNGP) AST Analysis Updates and Studies

MNGP LOCA AST analysis studies for alternate MSIV leakage and TSC dose update for HVAC design input changes.

Client: Xcel Energy


Brunswick Nuclear Plant (BNP) New Fuel Design AST Analyses

Assessment of new fuel design on BNP AST LOCA analysis and AST calculations updates.

Client: Progress Energy


US EPR Primary Containment Analysis

US EPR primary containment analysis GOTHIC model development and benchmarking for LBLOCA and SBLOCA.

Client: AREVA NP


Arkansas One (ANO) Auxiliary Building GOTHIC Model/Analysis

Arkansas One (ANO) GOTHIC model/analysis of Auxiliary Building for loss of HVAC transients.

Client: Entergy Operations, Inc.


Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant (MNGP) Thermal-lag Analyses

MNGP GOTHIC thermal-lag analyses for HELB events in support of EQ evaluations of electrical components.

Client: Xcel Energy


Brunswick Nuclear Plant (BNP) AST MSLB Analysis Update for Puff Release

Update of the BNP MSLB AST analysis using a puff ground level release in accordance with RG 1.194.

Client: Progress Energy


Waterford 3 GOTHIC Reactor Auxiliary Building Model/Analysis

Waterford 3 GOTHIC model/analysis of Reactor Auxiliary Building for loss of HVAC transients.

Client: Entergy Operations, Inc.


Cooper Nuclear Station (CNS) Condenser Deposition Modeling for AST Analyses

Developed CNS condenser deposition models for AST LOCA analyses.

Client: Entergy Operations, Inc.


Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant (MNGP) EPU Radiological Engineering Support

MNGP radiological engineering support including AST analyses update at EPU conditions and EQ dose scalars and dose update.

Client: Xcel Energy


Susquehanna Steam Electric Station (SSES) EPU UHS Design

Analysis of the SSES Ultimate Heat Sink (UHS) Spray Pond for Extended Power Uprate (EPU) implementation.  Review and analysis of the SSES RHRSW and ESW systems for EPU implementation including hydraulic modeling with Pipe-Flo.

Client: PPL Susquehanna, LLC


Susquehanna Steam Electric Station (SSES) EPU Project

Mechanical, Electrical, I&C, Systems, IST, Piping Engineering and Project Management support to the SSES Extended Power Uprate (EPU) Project.

Client: PPL Susquehanna, LLC


Kori 1 HELB and JIB Analysis Seminar

Technical seminar on the methods and regulations associated with the Kori 1 HELB outside containment and Jet Impingement Barrier design and analysis.

Client:  Korea Power Engineering Co. (KOPEC)


Kori 2 Fire Hazards Analysis Seminar

Technical seminar on the methods and regulations associated with the Kori 2 App. R fire hazards analysis and potential NFPA 805 implementation.

Client:  Korea Power Engineering Co. (KOPEC)


Brunswick (BNP) DW Normal EQ Dose Analysis

Update of the plant normal drywell EQ doses for plant life extension and updated methodology.

Client:  Progress Energy


Kori 3 and 4 HELB and EQ Analysis Seminar

Technical seminar on the methods and regulations associated with the analysis of high energy line breaks (HELB) outside containment for the Kori Units 3&4 and associated EQ issues.

Client:  Korea Power Engineering Co. (KOPEC)


Monticello Alternate Source Term (AST) Radiological Engineering Support

Provide radiological engineering support to the Monticello Nuclear Plant (MNGP) AST implementation project.  Scope includes update of the plant's radiological design basis in support of a full implementation of the AST per RG 1.183. Analytical tools include RADTRAD, MicroShield, ARCON96, and PAVAN.

Client: Nuclear Management Co.


Brunswick (BNP) AST Dose Consequence Analysis Update for MSIV Leakage Increase  

Provide radiological engineering services in support of an update to the plant AST post-accident dose consequence analysis for an increase in TS MSIV leakage limits.

Client:  Progress Energy


Brunswick (BNP) MSLB Radiological Dose Consequence Analysis

Provide radiological engineering services in support of revisions to the plant Main Steam Line Break dose consequence analysis for Turbine Building Ventilation modifications.

Client:  Progress Energy


Susquehanna Steam Electric Station (SSES) AST Licensing Support

Preparation of the SSES full AST implementation License Amendment.

Client: PPL Susquehanna, LLC


Susquehanna Steam Electric Station (SSES) EPU UHS Study

Extended Power Uprate (EPU) Impact Study of the SSES Ultimate Heat Sink (UHS) Spray Pond.

Client: PPL Susquehanna, LLC


Kori 1 and 2 HELB and EQ Analysis Seminar

Technical seminar on the methods and regulations associated with the analysis of high energy line breaks (HELB) outside containment for the Kori Units 1&2 and associated EQ issues.

Client:  Korea Power Engineering Co. (KOPEC)


Engineering Services - Susquehanna (SSES) Turbine Replacement Project

Provide mechanical and electrical engineering services to the SSES turbine replacement project.

Client:  PPL Susquehanna, LLC


GALE PWR Analysis Seminar

Technical seminar on the methods and regulations associated with the calculation of normal releases of radioactive materials in gaseous and liquid effluents from PWRs (Appendix I).

Client:  Korea Power Engineering Co. (KOPEC)


Independent Assessment of Fermi 2 AST Analyses

Provide a third party independent review of the Fermi 2 AST dose consequence analyses.

Client:  DTE Energy


Brunswick (BNP) Radiological Dose Consequence Analysis for Postulated SW Secondary Containment Bypass

Provide radiological engineering services in support of a postulated Secondary Containment Bypass via the SW system for the design basis LOCA dose consequence analysis.

Client:  Progress Energy


Alternative Source Term (AST) Implementation Analysis Seminar

Technical seminar on the methods and regulations associated with PWR AST implementation.

Client:  Korea Power Engineering Co. (KOPEC)


Monticello Alternate Source Term (AST) Radiological Engineering Study

Develop a feasibility and cost estimate study for full implementation of the AST at the Monticello Nuclear Plant (MNGP).

Client: Nuclear Management Company


Brunswick (BNP) Radiological Dose Consequence Analysis

Provide radiological engineering services in support of BNP Turbine Building Ventilation modifications.

Client:  Progress Energy


Brunswick (BNP) Radiological EQ Analysis

Provide radiological engineering services in support of the re-constitution of the BNP post-accident radiation doses for equipment qualification.  Develop EQ zone doses.

Client:  Progress Energy


Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant (KNPP) post-HELB Thermal Lag Analysis

Develop GOTHIC Post-HELB thermal-lag analysis for KNPP HELB events in support of EQ evaluations of electrical components.

Client:  Scientech/Nuclear Management Company


Brunswick (BNP) Radiological EQ Analysis

Provide radiological engineering services in support of the re-constitution of the BNP post-accident radiation doses for equipment qualification.  Develop EQ zone doses.

Client:  Progress Energy


Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant (KNPP) post-HELB Thermal Lag Analysis

Develop GOTHIC Post-HELB thermal-lag analysis for KNPP HELB events in support of EQ evaluations of electrical components.

Client:  Scientech/Nuclear Management Company


Engineering Services - Susquehanna (SSES) Turbine Replacement Project

Provide mechanical and electrical engineering services to the SSES turbine replacement project.

Client:  PPL Susquehanna, LLC


Cooper Nuclear Station (CNS) High Energy Line Break (HELB) GOTHIC Analyses

Provide thermal-hydraulic engineering services in support of the re-constitution of the CNS Reactor Building HELB pressure and temperature transients for equipment qualification. Develop Reactor Building EQ HELB zones and zone’s pressure and temperature profiles via GOTHIC code simulations.

Client: Nebraska Public Power District


Cooper Nuclear Station (CNS) Radiological EQ Analyses

Provide radiological engineering services in support of the re-constitution of the CNS post-accident radiation doses for equipment qualification. Develop EQ dose zones and zone’s integrated post-accident doses.

Client: Nebraska Public Power District


RELAP5 Code Assessment for PTS

Model MIST SBLOCA tests in support of NRC's RELAP5 code assessment research.  RELAP5 PC based simulations.

Client:  Information System Laboratories, Inc.


H B Robinson Power Uprate and Alternate Source Term (AST) Radiological Engineering Support

Provide radiological engineering support to the Robinson Nuclear Plant (RNP) Appendix K power uprate project. Scope includes update of the plant's radiological EQ design basis in support of an Appendix K power uprate and application of the new Alternate Source Term (AST). The AST effort includes a full implementation of the AST per RG 1.183. Analytical tools include RADTRAD, MicroShield, and ARCON96.

Client: Carolina Power & Light


Brunswick (BNP) Post-Accident Dose Calculations for Containment ARM's

Provide engineering services for the calculation of BNP post-accident containment ARM's doses per WCAP-14986/WCAP-14696 core damage assessment guidelines.

Client:  Progress Energy


Browns Ferry Nuclear (BFN) Plant Secondary Containment HELB Analysis – Extended Power Uprate Update

Thermal hydraulic analysis of Browns Ferry Units 2 and 3 systems (RELAP5) to generate mass and energy (M&E) release data of extended power uprate affected system’s High Energy Line Breaks (HELB). Determination of reactor building pressure, temperature, and relative humidity profiles (GOTHIC) in support of Environmental Qualification (EQ) efforts.

Client: TVA


Browns Ferry Nuclear (BFN) Plant Units 2 and 3 Power Uprate, Radiological EQ Update

Provide radiological engineering in support of the BFN 2 and 3 extended power uprate (20% of original rated thermal power) to update the plant’s EQ doses.

Client: TVA


River Bend FHA, CRDA, and MSLBA AST Analyses

Develop FHA, CRDA, and MSLBA AST analyses for River Bend Station (RBS). Provide Software Quality Assurance (SQA) manual for RADTRAD. Review LOCA analysis.

Client: Entergy Operations, Inc.


Brunswick Power Uprate and Alternate Source Term (AST) Radiological Engineering Support

Provide radiological engineering support to the Brunswick Nuclear Plant (BNP) Units 1 and 2 power uprate project. Scope includes update of the plant's radiological design basis in support of an extended power uprate (20% of original rated thermal power), 24 month fuel cycle operations, and application of the new Alternate Source Term (AST). The AST effort includes a full implementation of the AST per RG 1.183. Analytical tools include RADTRAD, MicroShield, ARCON96, and PAVAN.

Client: Carolina Power & Light


Chemical Engineering Services, Oconee Water Treatment Upgrade Project

Provide chemical engineering services in support of the Oconee water treatment system upgrade project.

Client: Duke Engineering & Services


Banking Facility Siting PRA Studies

Develop PRA models and analyses to establish risk from commercial nuclear facility operations at proposed banking data center.

Client: Carlson Solutions


Waterford UFSAR Discrepancy Resolution Project

Engineering services to provide UFSAR discrepancy resolution for Waterford 3 in support of UFSAR fidelity project.

Client: Entergy Operations, Inc.


Susquehanna AST Scoping Studies

Develop AST based scoping LOCA, FHA, CRDA, and MSLBA design basis radiological consequence analyses per RG 1.183 using RADTRAD for the Susquehanna Steam Electric Station (SSES).

Client: PPL Services Corp.


Duane Arnold Power Uprate and Alternate Source Term (AST) Radiological Engineering Support

Provide radiological engineering support to the Duane Arnold Energy Center (DAEC) power uprate project.  Scope includes update of the plant's radiological design basis in support of an extended power uprate (20% of original rated thermal power), 24 month fuel cycle operations, and application of the new Alternate Source Term (AST).  The AST effort includes a full implementation of the AST per DG-1081.  Analytical tools include RADTRAD, MicroShield, ARCON96, and PAVAN.

Client: GE Nuclear/Alliant Energy


Control Rod Blade Storage Dose Calculations - PP&L

Prepare radiation dose calculations in support of the SSES Control Rod Blade spent fuel pool storage project.

Client: Pennsylvania Power & Light Co.


HVAC Engineering Support Services - Entergy

Provide HVAC engineering services to Entergy Operations, Inc.’s River Bend Unit 1 in support of a Condition Report (CR) resolution project.

Client: Entergy Operations Inc.


Radiological Engineering Support Services - Entergy

Provide radiological engineering services to Entergy Operations, Inc.’s River Bend Unit 1 in support of Hydrogen Water Chemistry and Power Uprate projects.

Client: Entergy Operations Inc.


DG Building Loss of HVAC Temperature Response Analysis - Entergy

GOTHIC temperature response analysis of Entergy Operations, Inc.’s River Bend Unit 1Diesel Generator Building for loss of HVAC transients.

Client: Entergy Operations Inc.


Radiological Engineering Support Services - PP&L

Provide radiological engineering services to Pennsylvania Power & Light Co. in support of Hydrogen Water Chemistry, Condensate Filtration System, Power Uprate, 24 Months Fuel Cycle, and Current Licensing Basis (10CFR.54.54(f)) projects.

Client: Pennsylvania Power & Light Co.


Current Licensing Design Basis Project Support - PP&L

Provide NSSS and BOP system engineering services to Pennsylvania Power & Light Co. in support of the SSES 10CFR50.54(f) project.

Client: Pennsylvania Power & Light Co.


Radiological Engineering Support Services - FirstEnergy

Provide radiological engineering services to FirstEnergy’s Perry Nuclear Power Plant in support of Power Uprate and 24 Months Fuel Cycle projects.

Client: FirstEnergy/Scientech


Dry Spent Fuel Storage Facility Licensing Radiological Engineering Support Services - PP&L

Provide radiological engineering services to Pennsylvania Power & Light Co. in support of the SSES Dry Spent Fuel Storage Facility Licensing.

Client: Pennsylvania Power & Light Co.


Reactor Building HELB Temperature Response Analysis - CP&L

Brunswick Nuclear Plant Reactor Building HELB temperature response GOTHIC analysis for electrical EQ (MCC’s) evaluations.

Client: Carolina Power & Light Co.


Safety Analysis Licensing Basis Review

Independent review of the Millstone Unit 2 FSAR Accident Safety Analyses as part of the plant’s Independent Corrective Action Verification Program (ICAVP). Review of FSAR Chapter 14 and supporting calculations in order to validate design inputs and assumptions with plant configuration.

Client: NUSCo/Parsons Energy and Chemicals


Pressure Response Analysis Of Shield Building Annulus and Auxiliary Building to SGTS Operation

Prepare GOTHIC models of River Bend Unit 1 Shield Building Annulus, Auxiliary Building, and associated HVAC systems. Perform pressure response analysis of Annulus and Auxiliary Building to Standby Gas Treatment System (SGTS) draw down operations.

Client: Entergy Operations Inc.


Process Radiation Monitors Setpoint Calculations

Prepare process radiation monitors setpoint calculations and setpoint change packages for the SSES vent stack monitoring system in support of setpoint changes associated with the plant’s Improved Technical Specifications.

Client: Pennsylvania Power & Light Co.


Secondary Containment HELB Analysis - BFN

Thermal hydraulic analysis of Browns Ferry Units 2 and 3 systems (RELAP5) to generate mass and energy (M&E) release data of uprated power High Energy Line Breaks (HELB). Determination of reactor building pressure, temperature, and relative humidity profiles (GOTHIC) in support of Environmental Qualification (EQ) efforts.

Client: TVA/GE Nuclear


Auxiliary Building HELB Analysis - CR3

Determination of secondary containment pressure and temperature profiles (RELAP5) for High Energy Line Breaks (HELB) inside the Crystal River Unit 3 (CR3) Auxiliary Building in support of Environmental Qualification (EQ) efforts.

Client: FPC/Parsons Energy and Chemicals


BWR Administration Building Direct Dose and Skyshine Calculations

Determination of direct dose and skyshine dose contributions to the new SSES Administration Building.

Client: Pennsylvania Power & Light Co.


Design Review of Loss of HVAC Building Temperature Analyses

Design review of Loss of HVAC analyses (GOTHIC) of Vermont Yankee and Maine Yankee secondary containments and other safety related buildings.

Client: Duke Engineering & Services (Previously Yankee Atomic)


Thermal Hydraulic Analysis of KRSCO SWS

Hydraulic flow balance analysis and heat exchanger thermal performance studies for the Service Water System of Nuklearna Elektrarna’s KRSCO (PWR) nuclear plant.

Client: NEK/Parsons Energy & Chemicals


Critical Flow Studies for Valve Air Operators

Perform critical flow studies for modification of instrument air delivery system to FPC’s Crystal River Unit 3 valve air actuators.

Client: FPC/Parsons Energy & Chemicals


BWR Mark I Drywell Temperature Response Analysis

GOTHIC program analysis of the Vermont Yankee drywell temperature response to small break LOCAs (SBLOCA).

Client: Yankee Atomic Electric Corp


Hydraulic Flow Balance Analysis of BWR Condensate Filtration System

Hydraulic flow balance analyses in support of the installation of SSES’s Condensate Filtration System (CFS).

Client: PP&L/Parsons Energy & Chemicals



Technical consulting services for the preparation of system Failure Modes and Effects Analysis diagrams for FPC’s Crystal River Unit 3.

Client: FPC/Parsons Energy & Chemicals


Engineering Assurance Technical Support Services

Technical consulting services in support of the Quad Cities nuclear plant Engineering Assurance program in the areas of Mechanical Engineering and Regulatory Oversight.

Client: Commonwealth Edison Co.


SWS Design Basis Technical Consulting

Technical consulting services to resolve River Bend Unit 1 Condition Reports associated with the plant Service Water System heat exchangers and GL 89-13 program.

Client: Entergy Operations Inc.


Control Building Transient Pressure Analysis

River Bend Station GOTHIC model/analysis of the Control Building Pressure Boundary to support plant operability concerns.

Client: Entergy Operations Inc.


Radiological Engineering Software Modifications and Validation

Developed personal computer versions of the GALE and RWDS (A radioactive process stream and decay calculation program) programs. Preparation of V&V and software quality assurance (SQA) manuals.

Client: Pennsylvania Power & Light


Seabrook Nuclear Plant Containment Analysis

GOTHIC program containment pressure and temperature (P/T) analysis of the Seabrook Nuclear Plant. Benchmarked model with FSAR design basis analysis.

Client: Yankee Atomic Electric Corp.


Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant Reactor Building Environmental Response Model

Preparation of a GOTHIC program model of the BFN Units 2&3 Reactor Building for HELB and Loss of HVAC analyses.

Client: Tennessee Valley Authority


Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Auxiliary Building Environmental Response Model

Preparation of a GOTHIC program model of the WBN Unit 1 Auxiliary Building for HELB and Loss of HVAC analyses.

Client: Tennessee Valley Authority


Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Auxiliary Building Environmental Response Model

Preparation of a GOTHIC program model of the SQN Units 1&2 Auxiliary Building for HELB and Loss of HVAC analyses.

Client: Tennessee Valley Authority


BWR MARK III Containment Analysis

River Bend Unit 1 containment pressure and temperature (P/T) analysis using GOTHIC. Benchmarked model with FSAR design basis analysis.

Client: Entergy Operations Inc.


SWS Hydraulic Flow Balance Analysis

Hydraulic network modeling and analysis of Crystal River Unit 3 Service Water system in order to update model to current plant configuration.

Client: FPC/Parsons Energy & Chemicals


Multi-Dimensional Thermal Modeling of Cable Tray/Fire Barrier

Multi-dimensional thermal modeling of Crystal River Unit 3 cable trays with Thermo-Lag fire barrier enclosures for cable ampacity determinations.

Client: FPC/Parsons Energy & Chemicals


IN 91-56 Radiological Engineering Technical Consulting

Radiological Engineering technical consulting services to Entergy Operations Inc. addressing the offsite dose calculations and leakage rate requirements associated with NRC IN 91-56.

Client: Entergy Operations Inc.


Radiological Engineering Support Services

Provide radiological engineering support services in support of Pennsylvania Power & Light’s (PP&L) SSES operations. Effort included revised LOCA DBA offsite dose assessment, Control Room habitability, and system shielding calculations.

Client: Pennsylvania Power & Light


BWR Mark I Containment Response Analysis for Appendix R Events

Vermont Yankee containment temperature response analysis (GOTHIC) for Appendix R alternate shutdown scenarios.

Client: Yankee Atomic Electric Corp.


MOV Engineering Support Services

Provide MOV (GL 89-10) engineering consulting services to GPU Nuclear.

Client: GPU Nuclear


Health and Safety Technical Support - Environmental Management and Enrichment Facilities

Provide technical support to the Environmental Management and Enrichment Facilities organization at the Oak Ridge, Paducah, and Portsmouth DOE sites. Support areas include Health Physics, Industrial Hygiene, Criticality Safety, Industrial Safety, and Facility Operations.

Client: Lockheed Martin Energy Systems/DOE


Nuclear Plant Operations QA Support

Provide nuclear plant operations oversight staff support to QA organization at the Watts Bar Nuclear Plant. Oversight support provided for activities associated with initial fuel load and power ascension testing program through commercial operations.

Client: Tennessee Valley Authority


Thermal Response Analysis - Loss of HVAC in Secondary Containment

Design basis reconstitution of River Bend Unit 1 Auxiliary Building HVAC heat loads and equipment sizing calculations. Developed GOTHIC model of Auxiliary Building and associated HVAC systems. Perform loss of HVAC thermal transient analyses to support plant design and operations activities. Prepare software quality assurance (SQA) documents for the GOTHIC simulation program.

Client: Entergy Operations Inc./Parsons Power


Subcompartment Temperature Response Analysis for Leak Detection System Design

Prepare GOTHIC models of River Bend Unit 1 Secondary Containment Subcompartments and associated HVAC systems. Prepare thermal transient analyses of subcompartment response to design basis system leaks to support Leak Detection System design activities.

Client: Entergy Operations Inc./Parsons Power


D&D Support for the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory Tokamak Fusion Reactor S&R

Prepare and issue the Project Management Plan for the $180,000,000 Shutdown and Removal for the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor. Developed S&R project plans and procedures.

Client: Princeton Plasma Physic Laboratory/U. S. DOE


System Reliability Engineering, Electrical Cables and Connectors

Assessment of damaged cables and lug connections at Watts Bar Nuclear Plant. Statistical analysis of cable data to limit required cable inspections based on existing data. Failure modes assessment of identified deficient cables to support overall condition assessment.

Client: Tennessee Valley Authority


Radiological Engineering Technical Support

Radiological engineering technical support for plant operations. Control room habitability calculations.

Client: Pennsylvania Power & Light Co.


Integrated Design Inspection

Integrated design inspection (IDI) of Watts Bar Nuclear Plant auxiliary feedwater system. Assessment of design, construction, inspection, maintenance, configuration control process, and implementation of corrective action programs.

Client: Tennessee Valley Authority


Thermal Analysis of Fire Barriers

Developed thermal analysis methodology for the analysis of electrical cables conduits and/or trays protected by fire barrier jackets. Validated calculations with furnace tests data.

Client: Pennsylvania Power and Light, GPU Nuclear Corporation


Reasonable Assurance Assessment

Independent assessment of Watts Bar Nuclear Pant fuel load readiness . Technical support, data collection and data analysis.

Client: Tennessee Valley Authority


Plant Operations Assessment

Conduct assessment of Watts Bar Nuclear Plant operations staff for senior management with emphasis on Conduct of Operations and Operational Readiness issues.

Client: Tennessee Valley Authority


Technical Audit of Corrective Action Programs

Provide technical staff and team leaders for the conduct of a self assessment and technical audit of corrective action programs required for Watts Bar Nuclear Plant initial fuel load. Conduct of vertical slice review of RHR system and detail audit of plant as installed electrical systems.

Client: Tennessee Valley Authority


Radiation Monitoring Baseline System Design

Provide technical support for the reconstitution of the plant wide radiation monitoring system design including component evaluation, system operations requirements, operating procedures, licensing evaluation and system as-built design documentation.

Client: Tennessee Valley Authority


Independent Design Review of Essential Engineering Calculations

Independent design review of Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Mechanical/Nuclear calculations to verify effectiveness of utility corrective actions.

Client: Tennessee Valley Authority


Thermal Analysis of Spray Cooling Pond

Performed transient thermal analysis of a nuclear reactor Ultimate Heat Sink (UHS) spray cooling pond in response to postulated accidents

Client: Pennsylvania Power & Light Co., Allentown PA


Refrigeration System Performance Calculations

Completed off-design performance calculations for a nuclear safety related direct expansion chiller. Task included a design review of all the system's components to insure operability at the postulated off-design conditions.

Client: Pennsylvania Power & Light Co., Allentown PA


Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis of Service Water System

Performed hydraulic network modeling and analysis of a nuclear plant service water system. Model was calibrated with field flow balance test data. Proposed system design and operation enhancements. Also, completed performance calculations for all the system's heat exchangers, including air-to-water room coolers and refrigeration system condensers.

Client: Pennsylvania Power & Light Co., Allentown PA


Power Uprate Impact Studies

Design basis definition and reconstitution of nuclear plant closed cooling water systems to determine impact from a proposed increase in plant power output. Determination of design margins including heat exchanger's tube plugging and allowable fouling and flow balance margins.

Client: Pennsylvania Power & Light Co., Allentown PA

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