Radiological Engineering

Bulk shielding analysis and design calculations. Source term development. Direct and scattered dose analysis. Deep penetration gamma and neutron shielding analysis and design. Gamma air-scattering (skyshine) dose calculations. Equipment qualification dose analysis. Radiation monitoring system’s analytical setpoint determinations. Radiological safety analysis.
Post-accident source terms calculations using ORGIN-ARP. Normal operation source term calculations using GALE.
Knowledge of general purpose point kernel computer codes (MICROSHIELD, QAD, etc.), discrete ordinate codes (ANISN, DOT), and skyshine codes (MICROSKYSHINE, GGG). Have completed shielding analyses for over twenty commercial nuclear power plants and on-site waste storage facilities.
Radiological safety calculations. Normal operations and post-accident dose assessments. Control room habitability analyses using RADTRAD, HABIT, TACT radiological assessment codes. Radionuclide transport calculations, including atmospheric dispersion modeling using ARCON96 and PAVAN. Knowledge of relevant regulatory requirements for plant design and operations including system design, accident analysis and effluent release. Also, Control Room habitability analyses from hazardous chemical release per RG 1.78 Rev. 1.
NUREG-1465/RG 1.183 Alternate Source Term (AST) applications analyses using RADTRAD.