AAC Quality Assurance Program
Applied Analysis Corp. (AAC) has developed a Nuclear Quality Assurance Program (NQAP) and specific implementing procedures to assure proper control of its nuclear quality activities. The primary intent of the NQAP is to establish specific AAC commitments to be implemented for work activities managed by AAC. AAC is committed to support its nuclear customers including compliance to both sound business practices and those requirements which are unique to the nuclear industry. The AAC NQAP has been developed in accordance with 10CFR50, Appendices A and B, 10CFR21, ANSI N45.2, and ASME NQA-1. The program includes Software Quality Assurance Manuals (SQAM) for PAVAN-PC, ARCON96, RADTRAD, MicroShield, MicroSkyshine, ORIGEN-ARP and PIPE-FLO. In addition, AAC has prepared SQAMs for numerous utilities for codes such as RELAP5, GOTHIC, RADTRAD, MicroShield, RWDS, GALE, ARCON96, PAVAN-PC, TSAP, and HYTRAN.
AAC has performed work under its NQAP for:
PPL/Talen Susquehanna
Sargent & Lundy, LLC
Progress Energy
Nuclear Management Corp. / Xcel Energy
Florida Power & Light
The AAC NQAP has been audited using NUPIC procedures. AAC employs a QA Manager to oversee and manage its QA activities.